Sukkot Senior Visit: Adante and Madison Senior Centers
This week our students visited our senior citizens at Adante and Madison Senior centers as part of their Sukkot special programming. They sang and danced, schmoozed with the elderly and shook the Lulav and Etrog, the Arba Minim (4 species) with them, as well. As I watched our young students interact with the seniors, we were touched. Children have the ability to bring smiles to our faces, even when we are having a rough day. When we teach our children from a young age the importance of Mipnei Seiva Takum (respecting our elders) and doing Chesed (kindness) we are instilling in them the ability to sweeten another’s day. We are empowering them to bring a smile to another in their time of need or give them a much needed boost.
Let’s teach our children to be a great Hoshanah to all.
Chag Sameach!